TLCA'09 List of Accepted Papers
Lionel Vaux. Differential Linear Logic and Polarization
Pawel Urzyczyn. Inhabitation of low-rank intersection types
Andreas Abel, Thierry Coquand and Miguel Pagano. A Modular Type-Checking
Algorithm for Type Theory with Singleton Types and Proof Irrelevance
Yu Zhang. The computational SLR: a logic for reasoning about computational
Gunnar Wilken and Andreas Weiermann. Complexity of Godel's T in
Michele Pagani. The Cut-Elimination Theorem for Differential Nets with boxes
Florian Rabe and Steve Awodey. Kripke Semantics for Martin-Loef Type
Takeshi Tsukada and Atsushi Igarashi. A Logical Foundation for Environment
Michele Basaldella and Kazushige Terui. On the meaning of logical
Ken-etsu Fujita and Aleksy Schubert. Existential type systems with no types
in terms
Christine Tasson. Algebraic totality, towards completeness.
Lutz Strassburger. Some Observations on the Proof Theory of Second Order
Propositional Multiplicative Linear Logic
Florian Stenger and Janis Voigtländer. Parametricity for Haskell with
Imprecise Error Semantics
Hugo Herbelin and Stéphane Zimmermann. An operational account of
call-by-value minimal and classical lambda-calculus in "natural deduction"
Makoto Hamana. Initial Algebra Semantics for Cyclic Sharing Structures
Claudia Faggian. Partial Orders, Event Structures, and Linear Strategies
Barbara Petit. A polymorphic type system for lambda-calculus with
Ugo Dal Lago and Martin Hofmann. Bounded Linear Logic, Revisited
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine. Weak omega-categories from intensional type theory
Alexandre Miquel. Relating classical realizability and negative translation
for existential witness extraction.
Federico Aschieri and Stefano Berardi. A Realizability Interpretation for
Heyting Arithmetic with Excluded Middle over Sigma-0-1 formulas
William Lovas and Frank Pfenning. Refinement Types as Proof Irrelevance
Colin Riba. On the Values of Reducibility Candidates
Robert Atkey. Syntax For Free: Representing Syntax with Binding using
Jeffrey Sarnat and Carsten Schuermann. Lexicographic Path Induction
Dimitris Mostrous and Nobuko Yoshida. Session-based Communication
Optimisation for Higher-Order Mobile Processes
Pierre Boudes. Thick Subtrees, Games and Experiments